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EA and VAR (as calculated by the tag algorithm) increased with both swimming speed and TBF (\( }\, = \,3.6e^ } }^ }}\) and \( }\, = \,4.9e^ }}} ;\) \( }\, = \,5.0e^ } }^ }}\) and \( }\, = \,11.4e^ }}} :\) Fig. 2; Additional file 1: Table S2). EA ranged from 6.2 mg at 0.6 BL s−1 to 15.2 mg at 1.6 BL s−1 (fold change = 2.45), while VAR ranged from 17.6 to 143.9 mg2 (fold change = 8.18).
A gait transition typically occurs in fish, from steady swimming at low speeds to burst-and-coast swimming at higher speeds approaching Ucrit, and signifies a switch from aerobic to anaerobic energy metabolism . This transition is thought to provide energy savings and increase endurance at higher swimming speeds . In adult salmonids, the transition to burst-and-coast swimming typically occurs between 1.6 and 2.2 BL s−1 (e.g., see ). We found that extremely high values of VAR (i.e., greater than ~ 220 mg2; Fig. 2) were recorded during periods of burst-and-coast swimming, which began after ~ 1.6 BL s−1 in this group of salmon. Based on this information, we estimated that the salmon spent the vast majority of their time swimming steadily in the tank, with few periods of rapid/burst swimming (2.8% of the time during Experiment #2, and 3.6% and 4.0% of the time during the two trials in Experiment #3).
In this study, diurnal variations in fH were recorded in salmon immediately following surgery and they were maintained for the 7 and 42 day holding periods in Experiments #2 and #3, respectively (Figs. 5, 6, 7). The mean difference in fH between day-time and night-time was ~ 7 bpm and the range of values over 24 h was ~ 14 bpm (Fig. 4). This latter value is very similar to the diurnal variation in fH reported by Hvas et al. for Atlantic salmon implanted with milli-HRT tags and held at 9 °C. Conversely, Brijs et al. reported that diel variations in fH were not apparent until 3 days post-surgery in rainbow trout, and that the average daily fluctuation in fH was ~ 27 bpm. In Experiment #2, diurnal patterns in EA were present immediately following surgery and were maintained throughout the 1 week holding period at 10–11 °C (Fig. 5). In contrast, there was no evidence of significant diel variations in EA when salmon were held for 6 weeks at 8–12 °C in Experiment #3 (Fig. 6). There are two possible explanations for the discrepancy in the presence of diel patterns of activity. First, the tags were programmed to record less frequently in Experiment #3 than #2 to save memory and battery life during the 6-week holding period (i.e., every 2 h vs. 10 min or, 12 measurements per day for each fish vs. 144). This reduction in the frequency of data collection likely limited the tag’s ability to detect diel variations in EA. If the goal of future research is to study such fine scale patterns in swimming/behavior, such as diel variations of activity in fish, it is imperative that researchers optimize their sampling rate given the length of experiment they intend to perform. Second, the two trials of Experiment #3 were also conducted at colder temperatures, and the salmon were less active overall. For example, average EA was 9.5 mg (1.04 BL s−1) in Experiment #2, whereas it was only ~ 6.4 mg (0.62 BL s−1) in the longer experiments.
Lee CG, Farrell AP, Lotto A, MacNutt MJ, Hinch SG, Healey MC. The effect of temperature on swimming performance and oxygen consumption in adult sockeye (Oncorhynchus nerka) and coho (O. kisutch) salmon stocks. J Exp Biol. 2003;206(18):3239–51.
Kawabe R, Kawano T, Nakano N, Yamashita N, Hiraishi T, Naito Y. Simultaneous measurement of swimming speed and tail beat activity of free-swimming rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss using an acceleration data-logger. Fish Sci. 2003;69(5):959–65.
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